Compiled in 2016/17:
Andrew O’Neill
LV8BA Constitution & By-Laws 2016 & Pool Victoria By-Laws.
Cover Artwork:
Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association
Committee - President - Scott Kersten, Treasurer - Claire Blackford, Secretary - Rosa Payne.
Members - Peter Simpson & Steve Haliday.
Presented as a Special Resolution for members consideration at the
Annual General Meeting of the Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association held at the L.V. Hotel Morwell on Tuesday 4th April 2017.
Moved: Andrew O’Neill
Sec: Scott Kersten
Official By-Laws of the Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association Inc.
as of the
41st Annual General Meeting of the Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association held at the L.V. Hotel Morwell on Tuesday 4th April 2017.
First Edition
To date: No reforms.
1. 41st Annual General Meeting held at the L.V. Hotel Morwell on Tuesday 4th April, 2017. (Rev 1)
1) 56. Player of the Finals Removed; and
2) 57. Player of the Grand Final Amended.
2. 2nd Special General Meeting held at the Premiere Function Centre Cameo Lounge, Traralgon on Wednesday the 14th Aug, 2019. (Rev 2)
1) 46. Penalties & Fines Addition
3. 44th Annual General Meeting held at the Morwell RSL on Tuesday the 13th Apr, 2021. (Rev 3)
1) 5. Meetings Addition 5.3.4;
2) 7. Number of Teams Amended 7.1.1, 7.1.2 & 7.2;
3) 16. Meetings of the Delegates Amended 16.1;
4) 18. Quorum for Delegate Meetings Amended 18.1;
5) 27. Representative Team Selection Addition;
6) 30. Life Membership Amended 30.1.4 & 30.1.10;
7) 35. Draw & Start Time Amended;
8) 38. Matches Addition 38.1;
9) 40. Scorecards Amended 40.2 & 40.3, 40.4, 40.4.1 & 40.4.2;
10) 41. Forfeits Re 41.2;
11) 42. Emergency Players Amended 42.1, 42.1.1 & 42.1.3;
12) 51. Eligibility Addition 51.2;
13) 52. Marker Addition 52.1.3;
14) 36. Point System (Handicap) Addition.
4. 1st Special General Meeting held at the Morwell Golf Club on Tuesday the 12th Apr, 2022. (Rev 4)
1) 36. Point System Amendment (36.3);
2) 44. Clearance Amendment (;
3) 57. Player of the Year Amendment (57.1.4 & 57.2.3).
4) 34. Team Amendment;
5) 36 Point System Amendment (36.3.4);
6) 37. Format Amendment;
7) 38. Draw Amendment (38.1);
8) 40. Matches Remove (40.2.1 & 40.2.2);
9) 43. Forfeits: Amendment (43.1);
10) 45. Clearance Amendment ( &;
11) 52. Draw Addition.
12) 58. Player of the Year Amendment (58.1.3, 58.1.4, 58.1.5, 58.2.2 & 58.2.3).
13) 36 Groupings Amendment (36.3);
14) 36 Handicap Addition/Removal (36.9 &;
15) 38 Draw Amendment;
16) 52. Teams Drawn Amendment.
5. 1st Special General Meeting held at the Morwell Golf Club on Tuesday the 11th Apr, 2023. (Rev 5)
1) 36. Point System Amendment (36.1, 36.2 (,,,, & 36.2.2);
36.3 New Players (36.3.1 & 36.3.2);
36.4 Ranking Average Additions (36.4.1, 36.4.2, 36.4.3 & 36.4.4);
36.5 Handicap Amendment/Additions (36.5.2);
2) 45. Emergency Players Amendment (45.1 & 45.1.1).
Why have By-Laws for an Association? The simple answer is to regulate what we do, in what we all have agreed to do by way of voting as members of the Association. That’s democracy in action, by going with the majority even if sometimes you disagree with a decision being made.
In an Incorporation Association such as ours the Constitution are the rules that effect the governance of an Association and are regulated by the state government through Consumer Affairs. Each Constitution can be tailored to, and by each Association provided the Association meet all the requirements laid down by the state government through law (Act). The Constitution will mainly effect the Committee and what they do, not to say only the Committee, but to a lesser degree the members as well. Whereas the By-Laws of an Association are made by the members of the Association and regulated by the Committee of the Association.
We are all bound by the rules of the Association upon membership (Constitution rule 7.1), these rules are our Constitution and By-Laws. It’s better and easier to have an understanding and to work within the rules of the Association than to try and work around or outside the rules of the Association. So please read these rules carefully as ignorance of these rules (By-Laws) do not constitute grounds for appeal. Breaches of these rules (By-Laws) will incur penalties.
The first and foremost role of the Committee and especially the President of the Association is to serve the Association and not dictate to the Association, always upholding the rules of the Association (Constitution, these By-Laws and any Motions) at all times, everything else comes a distant second including your own personal interest and ideas!
For the best possible outcomes for the Association the Committee are to work together as a team. Communication is the key, all Committee members need to be able to contact one another when needed. Consistency of the Committee in their roles that each one does is paramount to the management of the Association. All the Committee members need to know their roles and be able to execute them with efficiency and diligence. When all the Committee members know their roles properly then that is when the Association functions at its best and the Association goes forward with things getting done.
The President of the Association needs to be able to lead the Association at all meetings and in the day to day running of the Association. After role 1.1.3 is understood and adhered to the President should ensure that all the Committee members know their role and should ensure that they are doing it and not falling behind in their duties and responsibilities. The President should have his finger on the pulse not trying to do their roles either, delegation for him is important and remember you have a Vice President too. The President should know and keep in touch with his Committee members on where they are in their duties that they are to preform and offer them the support that they may need from time to time. The Committee should always be prepared to listen to all its members and any concerns that they may have and to address their concerns, and at the very least address them by bringing those concerns to a Committee Meeting.
Andrew O’Neill
LV8BA Life Member
Foreword - By-Laws
- Committee
Administration & Structure
Table of Contents
1. Role and Powers
2. President
3. Vice-President
4. Treasurer
5. Secretary
6. Public Officer
7. Scorer
8. Publicity Member
9. Ordinary Member
1. Composition
2. Control
3. Definitions
4. Amendments
5. Meetings
6. Admission of Teams
7. Number of Teams
8. Number of Games for Season
9. Divisions
10. Team & Player Promotion & Demotion
11. Role and Powers
12. Delegate Meetings
13. Appointment of Team Delegates
14. Vacancies
15. General Duties of the Delegates
16. Meetings of the Delegate
17. Notice of Delegate Meetings
18. Quorum for Delegate Meetings
19. Presiding at Delegate Meetings
20. Adjournment of Delegate Meetings
21. Voting at Delegate Meetings
22. Proxies
23. Removal of Delegate Member
24. Manner of Determining & Recording Resolutions
25. Annual Presentation Ball
26. Association Shirts
27. Representative Team Selection
28. Reimbursement
29. Juniors
30. Life Membership
31. Playing Rules
32. Table
33. Balls
34. Team
35. Draw & Start Time
36. Point System (Grouping/Handicap)
37 Format
38. Draw
39. Forfeits
40. Marker
41. Matches
42. Registration & Match Fees
43. Scorecards
44. Clearance
45. Emergency Players
46. Match Protests
47. Misconduct
48. Penalties & Fines
49. Venue
50. Table
51. Format
52. Draw
53. Edibility
54. Markers
55. Dress Code
56. Singles Championship Open
57. Singles Championship Divisions & Women’s
58. Player of the Year
59. Player of the Grand Final
60. Rising Star Award
1. Winter Competition
2. Summer Competition
1.1 The Association’s Committee must -
1.1.1 familiarise themselves and comply with Constitution rule 28. General Duties of the Committee Members; and
1.1.2 know their responsibilities, the role and powers of the Committee is clearly set out in the Constitution under rule 25. Committee; and
1.1.3 first and foremost always comply and uphold at all times the rules of the Association that being the - Constitution of the Association; and By-Laws of the Association.
2.1 The role of the President is to provide the principle leadership and responsibility for the Association and the Committee, the President must -
2.1.1 have a good working knowledge of the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws and duties of the Committee;
2.1.2 preside at all meetings of the Association, ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively;
2.1.3 periodically consult with Committee members and to help them if needed, ensuring that they are fulfilling their duties & responsibilities for the governance of the Association;
2.1.4 regularly focus the Committee’s attention on matters of the Association that relate to its structure, role and relationship to its members;
2.1.5 be a good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interest groups, being a person who can work to develop and maintain key relationships within (Committee & members) outside (venues & sponsors) of the Association;
2.1.6 serve as a spokesperson for the Association being a competent public speaker when required including meetings of the Association, media interviews and presiding the evening of the Annual Presentation Ball;
2.1.7 consults with the Secretary organise agendas for meetings and approves the minutes before the next meeting;
2.1.8 organise and co-ordinate with all parties involved to assist in developing a successful partnership with all sponsors so as to achieve the success and viability of the Association;
2.1.9 organise the Annual Presentation Ball with either the Committee or with a sub-committee elected for this purpose;
2.1.10 attends Pool Victoria’s Annual General Meeting; and
2.1.11 work with the Committee to ensure that a succession plan is in place to help find new Committee members when required.
3.1 The role of the Vice-President is to shadow the President in providing leadership and responsibility for the Association the Vice-President must -
3.1.1 have a good working knowledge of the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws and duties of the Committee;
3.1.2 assist the President to fulfill his/her responsibilities for the governance of the Association;
3.1.3 be willing to step in for the President where needed including presiding at meetings in the absence of the President;
3.1.4 be well informed of all the Association’s activities and be able to work collaboratively to provide assistance where necessary to the Committee or members of the Association;
3.1.5 be a person who can develop good relationships internally and externally being forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals and success of the Association; and
3.1.6 perform any other duties as required.
4.1 The role of the Treasurer is to be responsible for the financial supervision of the Association to allow the Committee to provide good governance. The Treasurer is responsible to regularly report on the Association’s financial status to both the Committee and the Association. The Treasurer must be honest and trustworthy and have good computer and organisational skills with the ability to maintain accurate records. The Treasurer must -
4.1.1 provide advice to the Committee of the Association’s finances and be responsible for all financial affairs of the Association;
4.1.2 receive all money paid to the Association, and issue receipts for that money in the name of the Association;
4.1.3 ensure that all money received is paid into the account of the Association within five (5) working days after receipt;
4.1.4 make any payments authorised by the Committee or by a General Meeting of the Association from the Association's funds;
4.1.5 prepare and ensure an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee for approval;
4.1.6 be one (1) of the signatories on the Association account and ensure that all cheques are signed by the Treasurer and one (1) other Officer of the Association;
4.1.7 ensure that the financial records of the Association are kept in accordance with the Act;
4.1.8 coordinate the preparation of the financial statements of the Association and their certification by the Committee prior to their submission to the Annual General Meeting of the Association;
4.1.9 prepare financial reports to present at Committee and Delegate Meetings
4.1.10 create and despatch invoices for payment;
4.1.11 ensure that at least one other Officer member has access to the accounts and financial records of the Association (preferably the President);
4.1.12 maintain accurate records of all income and expenditure ensuring that all receipts and payments concur with bank deposits and withdrawals and support any required auditing processes; and
4.1.13 perform any other duties as required.
5.1 The Secretary is responsible for the documentation and communication of the activities of the Committee. The secretary is the primary administration officer of the Committee and provides the links between the Committee, members and outside agencies. The Secretary should be a good communicator, have good computer and organisational skills, and maintain confidentiality on relevant matters. The Secretary must -
5.1.1 retain all records of the Association (some required by law) and ensure that these records are available when required;
5.1.2 provide an up to date copy of the Constitution and By-Laws at all meetings and ensure they are available to all members upon request;
5.1.3 generate an agenda in consultation with other Committee members and distribute as required;
5.1.4 manage minutes of all Meetings, including recording the minutes, and ensuring minutes are distributed to members after each meeting via the website at least one (1) week before the next meeting;
5.1.5 manage the general correspondence of the Committee including any administrative letters and documents;
5.1.6 perform any duty or function required under the Act to be performed by the Secretary of an Incorporated Association;
5.1.7 under the Act, lodge required documents of the Association with the Registrar (see 6. Public Officer).
5.1.8 maintain the register of members in accordance with Constitution rule 10;
5.1.9 keep custody of the common seal of the Association and, except for the financial records referred to in rule 70(3), all books, documents and securities of the Association in accordance with rules 72 and 75;
5.1.10 subject to the Act and these Rules, provide members with access to the register of members, the minutes of General Meetings and other books and documents; and
5.1.11 perform any other duties as required.
6.1 The Public Officer is the point of contact between the Incorporated Association and Consumer Affairs. Note that in Victoria the former term of Public Officer has been replaced with the term Secretary. It will be assumed that the current Secretary will assume these roles unless otherwise stated. The Public Officer (Secretary) must -
6.1.1 notify Consumer Affairs of the Secretary appointment or a change of the Secretary’s details within 14 days after the appointment or change of details;
6.1.2 notify Consumer Affairs of a change of the Association’s registered address by lodging a Change of Association Details form;
6.1.3 lodge an Annual Statement within 1 month after the Annual General Meeting, and other required financial document;
6.1.4 apply to Consumer Affairs for approval to alter your rules within 28 days after the alteration was passed by special resolution;
6.1.5 apply to the Registrar for approval of the Association’s name change within 1 month after the change was passed by special resolution; and
6.1.6 notify Consumer Affairs of a special resolution in relation to wind up and distribution of the assets of the Association.
7.1 The Scorer must -
7.1.1 keep up to date records of all results and any competitions played as well as any awards given by the Association;
7.1.2 provide all results to the Secretary of the Association annually;
7.1.3 report on all the Association’s results at the Annual General Meeting for the previous annual year;
7.1.4 provide to the Treasurer and Secretary of the Association, upon request, an up to date list of the rankings in team order;
7.1.5 keep the Association up to date with any playing rule changes; and
7.1.6 perform any other duties as required.
8.1 The Publicity Member must -
8.1.1 obtain sponsorship for the Association;
8.1.2 use all media outlets (including TV, newspaper & web), for the promotion of the Association and the sport in general;
8.1.3 photograph all events in the Association (including finals, singles competitions & annual presentation ball); and
8.1.4 perform any other duties as required.
9.1 The Ordinary Member must perform any duties given to them by the Association to assist the Committee and its members.
1.1 The Association encompasses teams from within the Latrobe Valley area who may apply for affiliation through the Committee of the Association via the official team registration form.
1.2 Juniors shall be from within an extended area incorporating the whole of Gippsland.
The Association shall appoint all necessary officials and shall have entire control of all premiership matches played between its clubs and of any matches played by representative teams or players selected from its clubs.
3.1 In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears -
3.1.1 Captain - is the member who is usually the team representative at Delegate Meetings of the Association.
3.1.2 Committee - consists of the Office Holders of the Association and three (3) Ordinary Members if any;
3.1.3 Delegate - is a member appointed to represent their team at Delegate Meetings of the Association, usually the captain;
3.1.4 Delegate Meetings - consists of the Committee and one (1) team delegate from each competing team.
3.1.5 General Meeting - means a general meeting of the members of the Association convened in accordance with these rules;
3.1.6 Member - means a member of the Association;
3.1.7 Ordinary Member - means a member of the Committee who is not an Officer of the Association;
3.1.8 Season - refers to the Winter Competition and/or Summer Competition where applicable;
3.1.9 Special Resolution - means a resolution that requires not less than three quarters (75%) of the members present and voting at a General Meeting vote in favour of the resolution under rule 22 of the Constitution;
3.1.10 Written or In Writing - means and includes electronic email, written and printed letter or fax.
4.1 Any By-Law rule of the Association or playing rule that in the opinion of the Committee is not satisfactory or is causing disputes may be added to or altered or rescinded during the financial year providing -
4.1.1 written application for an amendment of a rule is submitted at a Delegates Meeting; and
4.1.2 75% of Committee and Delegate members present and voting, vote in favour of the rule amendment.
4.2 Any rule amendment passed at a Delegates Meeting is only in place for the remainder of that financial year then expires, after this the rule cannot be amended again by the same amendment or to the same effect.
4.3 But the rule amendment may be taken for consideration as a Special Resolution (Constitution rule 22.1.2) to the members of the Association at a General Meeting to become a permanent rule change.
5.2 General Meetings shall be held on a Wednesday, starting at 7.00pm at a venue to be decided upon by the Committee. In the case of that Wednesday being unsuitable, it shall be held on another day as appointed by the Committee.
5.3 Delegate Meetings shall be held on a Wednesday, starting at 7.30pm at a venue to be decided upon by the Committee.
5.3.1 Each meeting shall be held at the discretion of the Committee - the 1st Delegates Meeting will be held on a Wednesday at the start of a season before the start of the home/away rounds; the 2nd Delegates Meeting will be held on the following Wednesday after the round at the half way point of the season; and the 3rd Delegates Meeting will be held on the following Wednesday after the last home/away round is played.
5.3.2 In the case of that Wednesday being unsuitable eg a public holiday, it shall be held on another day as appointed by the Committee.
5.3.3 At least one (1) member from each team must attend each meeting or that team shall be fined $10, unless a valid excuse for non-attendance is accepted by the Committee.
5.3.4 All Delegate Meetings for the Winter Competition and Summer Competition shall be set by the Committee with the Committee deciding on how many (if any) and when and where to conduct such meetings.
6.1 The Committee may by a two-thirds majority admit new teams providing -
6.1.1 each team completes the official team registration form;
6.1.2 each team agrees to pay playing fees as may be fixed by the Association;
6.1.3 each team agrees to abide by the rules and decisions made by the Association;
6.2 If a team nominates to play in the upcoming season, but withdraws its nomination, that team cannot re-nominate for the same season.
6.3 The Committee is not required to give a reason for a team’s rejection.
6.4 A team nomination will only be accepted with Committee approval after the nominated closing date.
7.1 There will be no limit of teams in any one season (this includes Junior teams played at any other time) -
7.1.1 if twelve (12) or more teams nominate for any one season, the Association may create divisions; and
7.1.2 each time an additional six (6) teams nominate for any one season another division may be created.
8.1 There shall be a maximum of 22 home and away rounds played in any one competition season.
9.1 If enough teams nominate, and divisions are created, the teams shall be graded by the Committee.
9.1.1 higher graded teams shall make up division 1; division 2 shall consist of the next highest graded teams and so on; and
9.1.2 number of teams shall be divided as equally as possible. If the number of teams cannot be divided equally, then the division to receive the greater number of teams shall be at the Committee’s discretion.
9.2 The draw shall take into account the composition of all divisions, and shall be constructed in such a way to ensure all division’s grand finals are concluded within eight (8) days of each other.
10.1 Where practicable, and as seen fit by the Committee, promotion and demotion of at least one (1) top and bottom team in each division shall occur.
10.1.1 Team Promoted:
An individual that, in the previous corresponding season, played with a team being promoted to a higher division, shall play in that higher division unless he or she seeks and is given permission by the Committee to play in a lower division.
10.1.2 Team Demoted:
An individual that, in the previous corresponding season, played with a team being demoted to a lower division, may play in a higher division but shall not play in a lower division than their team is being demoted to, unless he or she seeks and is given permission by the Committee to play in a lower division.
10.1.3 Members:
An individual member may elect to play in a higher division than required but this rule shall then apply for that player in the corresponding season to follow. The member cannot play in a lower division unless he or she seeks and is given permission by the Committee to play in a lower division.
10.1.4 New Members:
Any team wishing to play any new members must first seek permission from the Committee before that member can play in that division.
10.1.5 To apply to the Committee to play in a lower division the player must complete and lodge a player demotion form to the Secretary of the Association.
10.1.6 Penalty for non-compliance:
loss of match to 0.
11.1 The role of the delegate is to be the spokesperson for their team at such meetings.
11.2 In accordance with the Constitution and these Rules, all control and decisions are subject to the Committee. The Committee may delegate their power to a delegate at their discretion, and are encouraged to involve the delegates in decision making.
12.1 The Delegates Meeting shall consist of -
12.1.1 the Committee; and
12.1.2 a team delegate representing each competing team.
13.1 Each team shall nominate on the team entry form one (1) team member to represent their team at Delegate Meetings (usually the captain).
13.2 The Committee shall accept or reject any nominated delegate at their discretion, no reason need be given for the rejection of a team delegate.
13.3 Each team delegate shall represent their team at Delegate Meetings of the Association until the conclusion of the season.
13.4 A Committee member can be a team delegate member but can only sign the sign in book once.
13.5 If a team Delegate is unable to attend a Delegates Meeting another member of their team must attend and represent their team at such meetings.
14.1 The team Delegate becomes vacant if the member -
14.1.1 is absent without leave from more than two (2) Delegate Meetings held in a season; or
14.1.2 resigns as the team Delegate by notice in writing given to the Secretary; or
14.1.3 ceases to be a member of the Association; or
14.1.4 is dismissed by two-thirds (75%) majority of the Committee present and voting at a Committee Meeting.
14.2 In the event of a casual vacancy occurring of a team Delegate, the team may nominate another team member to fill the vacancy, and after Committee approval that member shall represent their team until the conclusion of the season.
14.3 Any team Delegate that vacates cannot for that season be re-appointed as a team Delegate.
15.1 The general duties of a team delegate are -
15.1.1 to represent their teams at Delegate Meetings of the Association; and
15.1.2 to submit any player registrations to the Secretary;
15.1.3 to pay any money owing such as match fees, registrations or fines to the Treasurer of the Association;
15.1.4 to hand in any scorecards due at such meetings to the Scorer;
15.1.5 to raise and address any issues that their team may have; and
15.1.6 to inform their team of the ongoing affairs of the Association.
16.1 The Delegate’s must attend Delegate Meetings, occurring not less than two (2) times in each season, at such dates, times and places as the Committee may determine.
16.2 Delegate Meetings may be convened at the request of the President or six (6) Delegate members.
17.1 Written notice of each Delegate Meeting must be made available to each team delegate at least five (5) business days before the date of the meeting.
18.1 Two (2) Office Bearers of the Committee and fifty percent plus 1 (50%+1) of team Delegates shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a Delegates Meeting.
18.2 No business may be conducted unless a quorum is present.
18.3 If within thirty (30) minutes of the time appointed for the meeting to be held, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned.
19.1 At Delegates Meetings -
19.1.1 the President or, in the President’s absence, the Vice-President presides;
19.1.2 if the President and the Vice-President are absent the meeting is closed; or
19.1.3 if the President and the Vice-President are unable to preside, the President, or if absent, the Vice-President, must choose one of the members present to preside at a Delegates Meeting.
20.1 The Chairperson of a Delegates Meeting at which a quorum is present may, with the consent of a majority of the Committee members present at the meeting, adjourn the meeting to another date and time as determined by the Committee.
21.1 The Committee may at a Delegates Meeting allow at their absolute discretion a vote to be taken on any questions arising at the meeting. The vote shall be determined on a show of hands or, if a member requests, by a poll taken in such manner as the person presiding at that meeting may determine.
21.2 Each Committee and Delegate member present at a Delegates Meeting (including the person presiding at the meeting), is entitled to one vote and, in the event of an equality of votes on any question, the person presiding may exercise a second or casting vote.
Voting by proxy is not permitted at Delegate Meetings of the Association.
23.1 The Committee may by resolution, remove any Delegate member before the expiration of the member’s term of appointment, and that team must nominate another member in his or her place to hold that appointment until the expiration of that financial year.
24.1 Subject to sub-rule 23.1, the Chairperson of a Delegate Meeting may, on the basis of a show of hands, declare that a resolution has been -
24.1.1 carried; or
24.1.2 carried unanimously; or
24.1.3 carried by a particular majority; or
24.1.4 lost -
24.2 An entry to that effect in the minute book of the Association is conclusive proof of that fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, that resolution.
25.1 All persons wishing to attend the Annual Presentation Ball must pay the full cost of as set by the Committee at least two (2) week prior to the Annual Presentation Ball.
25.2 Any person(s) that decide after this deadline that they cannot attend the Annual Presentation Ball will have their money refunded in full, provided sufficient notice is given so as not to cause any cost to this Association.
26.1 Playing members of this Association may be provided with an official ‘Association shirt’, subject to Association finances at the time of each Annual General Meeting, providing the following conditions are met -
26.1.1 each player must be fully financial with the Association;
26.1.2 each player must have played at least six (6) games in current season to become eligible;
26.1.3 each player to get a new shirt no sooner than every three (3) years played, and that player must play at least six (6) games in a Winter Competition season to count that year; and
26.1.4 each player to pay $15 towards the cost, with the Association to pay balance.
26.2 Eligibility applies to Winter Competition games only.
26.3 The Association to pay the full cost for team representation player’s shirts limited to every three (3) years unless sponsorship is acquired.
26.4 Restricted to eight (8) players per team, Country Cup players to be excluded in team numbers.
26.5 The captains to submit player’s name and shirt size, upon player becoming eligible, to the person nominated to keep records of shirt distribution. Number of games played by that player shall be verified by the Scorer.
26.6 Any disputes shall be decided at the discretion of the Committee.
26.7 All conditions shall be reviewed at each Annual General Meeting of the Association.
27.1 The Committee shall confirm/elect a panel of selectors (maximum of five (5)) for the purpose of choosing the best players available to represent the Association in Inter-league type competitions.
27.1.1 The selection panel shall consist of the President, Scorer and the captains of the Country Cup teams in the previous year providing they are current members of the Association, unless - there were less than three (3) teams then the ‘Committee’ shall elect another selector; or there were more than three (3) teams then the captains of the numbers one (1), two (2) and three (3) teams shall be on the panel; and if a captain is not available or does not wish to be on the panel, that captain shall be given the opportunity to elect another member of that team as his/her replacement. If he/she does not wish to select a replacement, the Committee shall elect another member of that team. Every year the team captain for each team shall be elected by the team members on the day of the event and shall represent their team at the next Representative Team Selection Meeting (i.e. Country Cup Meeting) held the following year.
27.1.2 The selection panel shall meet at the most suitable time and place, to select - team(s) to play in the Country Cup; any subsequent representative team(s) from only those players that attended and represented this Association in the Country Cup, unless otherwise permitted by the Committee or caused by lack of availability of those players; and the selection panel shall adhere to the following as player qualification - shall be a fully financial playing member; shall have played in the current winter competition prior to selection of teams; shall confirm intentions to play at least forty percent (40%) of current home and away competition (excludes finals); a player shall be disqualified from the Country Cup team if he/she has not played at least three (3) games in the current winter competition prior to the event; and if a player does not play 40% of that winter competition (excluding finals), that player is not eligible to play in any Association representative team until the year after all the above qualifications have been met.
27.1.3 The Committee may waive ( if it decides there are an insufficient number of winter competition home/away rounds to be played prior to the event; or if it is proven that the player’s circumstances have changed sufficiently to warrant not being able to play forty percent (40%) of that Winter Competition (excluding finals). Only written applications for exemptions submitted to the Secretary will be considered.
28.1 Member(s) may apply for reimbursement for travel, representative or sponsorship costs, he/she must apply to the Committee for approval.
28.2 At the Committees discretion the amount to be paid out may be capped for a financial year period due to the amount of applications and/or available funds.
28.3 Member(s) may be reimbursed only when travelling from the locality of Latrobe Valley to a destination outside this Association’s normal competition area.
28.3 Member(s) may be reimbursed “travel” money as part of an ‘official’ Association representative team. No reimbursement shall be payable if group travel arrangements (eg bus) are made and paid for by the Association.
28.4 Member(s) may also be reimbursed for competing in any Pool Victoria or Australian Eight Ball Federation official events (not sponsored events) including:
28.4.1 National/State representation; and
28.4.2 State team & State singles.
Member(s) may only be eligible for reimbursement for Australian/State team representation after three (3) years of consecutive membership in the Association. The member(s) must have played at least seventy-five (75%) of home/away matches for the winter competition season in each of these years.
28.5 No member(s) shall be reimbursed for any other individual or team tournament.
29.1 The development of Junior players shall be controlled by a 'Juniors' sub-committee as elected by the Committee.
29.1.1 the 'Juniors' sub-committee shall organise competitions, dependent on numbers of juniors participating, in the form of – knockout tournaments; round robin tournaments; teams premiership competition; and any other forms of the game that will encourage and advance junior players.
29.1.2 a player shall be ineligible for 'Junior Tournaments' upon reaching eighteen (18) years of age. For team’s premiership competition, this age limit shall apply to the date of the first round of that season; and
29.1.3 the Juniors sub-committee have the right to raise funds and use those funds as is deemed necessary to further the development of juniors. All such monies raised shall be deposited in a separate 'Juniors' bank/credit union account.
30.1 Life Membership for this Association shall be:
30.1.1 a maximum of one (1) Life Membership may be awarded annually;
30.1.2 the member shall be nominated by a member from another club/venue;
30.1.3 nominations shall be in writing to the Secretary and only accepted at an Annual General Meeting of the Association. If there is more than one nomination a secret ballot must be taken;
30.1.4 for any Life Membership nomination to be considered a vote shall be taken by way of a secret ballot of which at least seventy five (75%) of members voting, vote in favour for the Life Membership. Committee to give two weeks where possible for captains to conduct a secret ballot and are to organise envelopes for each team captain with a voting slip for each team member so that a secret ballot can be conducted (posted for Life Members). Team captain’s responsibility to conduct the secret ballot responsibly and to return sealed envelope with their initial on seal to the Secretary or as directed by the Committee (i.e. drop box). All envelopes must be handed in by the last winter competition match of the home/away season and envelopes are to be only opened by the Committee at Meeting. Voting slips shall have: for, against and abstain options (abstains do not count); and
30.1.5 a Life Membership is to be awarded in the same season as the person was nominated and at the Annual Presentation Ball be presented with a Life Membership Framed Certificate and a Bar & Pendant; and
30.1.6 playing members can only be nominated after thirty (30) years of membership;
30.1.7 a Committee member will become a Life Member automatically after ten (10) years of consecutive Committee service;
30.1.8 every year of service for an Officer of the Committee will be worth three (3) years towards their Life Membership as a playing member, but will only count after three (3) years of Committee service;
30.1.9 every year of service for an Ordinary Member of the Committee will be worth two (2) years towards their Life Membership as a playing member, but will only count after three (3) years of service on the Committee; and
30.1.10 Honorary membership after playing ten (10) years as a playing member. Recognition: Every Ten (10) years a membership medallion is awarded.
The Association Playing Rules shall be governed by the Australian Eight Ball Federation playing rules for world eight ball and the Association shall accept all rules changes that occur from time to time.
32.1 The standard table for 8-ball use –
32.1.2 measures 7' x 3'6" (2.12m x 1.06m);
32.1.3 with a height of between 2'10 1/2" - 2'11 1/2" (876mm x 902mm) from the floor to the top of the cushion rail; and
32.1.4 the cushions should be 1 3/8" (35mm) from the playing surface.
32.2 The tables used in competition within the Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association Incorporated, shall be of a standard acceptable to the Committee using the above measurements as a guideline.
33.1 The standard cue ball for 8-ball use -
33.1.1 measures 1’7/8” (47.6mm);
33.1.2 adopted by this Association to be used will be the red spotted cue ball; and
33.1.3 a plain cue ball can be only used if the away captain agrees.
33.2 The standard object ball for 8-ball use -
33.2.1 measures 2’ (51mm); and
33.2.2 adopted by this Association to be used will be the 7 x red balls, 7 x yellows balls and 1 x black ball.
33.3 Home team will supply the balls to be used. Penalty is loss of game, or frames where non-standard balls are used.
Each team consists of a minimum four (4) players.
Draw of players must be made by 7pm and competing players must be named in the draw matches to commence no later than 7pm. Play may begin earlier in any season at the Committee’s discretion or upon agreement of both team captains.
36.1 The Point System shall be controlled by the Committee and used in all divisions and competition seasons.
36.2 Grouping
36.3.1 The Grouping number determines the handicap points for players in each group. The criteria used in the allocation of players into groups shall be as follows: Group 1 These are the highest grade players. Players are worth 1 handicap point. Ranking average 70% - 100%. Group 1.5 These are the high grade players. Players are worth 1.5 handicap points. Ranking average 60% - 69%. Group 2 These are the medium grade players. Players are worth 2 handicap points. Ranking average 50% - 59%. Group 2.5 These are the low grade players. Players are worth 2.5 handicap points. Ranking average 40% - 49%. Group 3 These are the lowest grade players. Players are worth 3 handicap points. Ranking average 0% - 39%.
36.3.2 Any vacancies and forfeits on a team score card are worth 2 handicap points
36.3 New Players
36.3.1 New players and players in all other division will be automatically graded into group three (3). The Committee may decide otherwise after taking into consideration a player’s ability and or history.
36.3.2 New player grouping evaluation may be considered by the Committee half way through and at the end of their 1st season.
36.3.3 All new players must complete a registration form and answer truthfully the questions about their previous playing history (this will be checked). The captain must sign to verify the registration form has been filled in correct, fully and truthfully. If it is found that the registration form has been completed untruthfully (mistake or otherwise) then that player will forfeit all frames played and these frames will be granted to the opposition player(s) for all matches played.
36.3.4 All players are to be grouped before they are eligible to play. Playing a player without being allocated to a group will result in all of that players frames being forfeited to the opposition player(s) for all matches played.
36.4 Ranking Average
36.4.1 A players ranking average shall be calculated over their first two (2) seasons played of rankings under the match format played, the Committee to evaluate.
36.4.2 A players ranking average shall be evaluated over their last three (3) seasons played of rankings under the match format played.
36.4.3 Minimum of five (5) games played in a season to qualify for a player’s ranking average.
36.4.4 Ranking Average calculation: wins/games played x 100 = average percentage.
36.9 Handicap
36.9.1 Using the official Team Handicap Table if a total grouping point’s difference exist between the two competing teams the value of the total grouping point’s difference in frames shall be taken from the team with the lower total grouping point’s and awarded to the team with the higher total grouping points at the end of the match to give a final score. Frames a team shall earn or lose on the night is capped between 0-16 frames.
36.9.2 Team Handicap Table -
Team Handicap Table |
Group Pts Diff |
= |
Frames +/- |
0 - 0.5 |
= |
0 |
1 - 1.5 |
= |
1 |
2 - 2.5 |
= |
2 |
3 - 3.5 |
= |
3 |
4 - 4.5 |
= |
4 |
5 - 5.5 |
= |
5 |
6 - 6.5 |
= |
6 |
7 - 7.5 |
= |
7 |
8 |
= |
8 |
37.1 Competition Order of Play:
37.1.1 Winter Competition team captains to write teams in playing order on paper, then exchange to each other and write opposing teams on the ‘Official Winter Competition' scorecard; and
37.1.2 Summer Competition team captains shall meet and draw their players at random and write down in order of draw on the 'Official Summer Competition' scorecard.
37.2 Official Scorecard:
37.2.1 official league scorecard shall be used home teams being numbered 1 to 4 and away teams being lettered A to D; and
37.2.2 the written order of play on the official scorecard shall be followed with each player playing one (1) game against each given opponent at a time. Sixteen (16) games are played with each player to play four (4) games in a match. The team winning at least Nine (9) games being credited two (2) premiership points.
38.1 If in the home/away season the final score is drawn after the handicap system has been applied then each team will earn one (1) Premiership points each.
38.2 In an event of two (2) or more teams finishing the home/away season on the same points/frames a playoff shall occur with the game to be held at the venue of the team that is shown higher on the ladder. If the match is drawn a final series tie breaker shall be played (see sub rule 52 Draw).
39.1 Match Forfeit:
Any team forfeiting their match shall not be awarded the sixteen (16) frames and two (2) premiership points for that match. The opposition team shall be awarded the sixteen (16) frames and two (2) premiership points for the forfeit; they will be also required to fill out their scorecard listing their players. All fees are to be paid as required by both teams.
39.2 Season Forfeit:
Any team that forfeit the season all their matches shall become a bye. No frames and no premiership points shall be awarded for all their matches. All previous matches are to be adjusted to reflect this as well as the rankings. All match fees are to be returned to those effected teams except where the scheduled draw has multiple cycles then it shall be taken back only to the start of the current cycle.
40.1 The marker shall be appointed by both players.
40.2 Another marker from the other competing team may also be appointed to time the game.
40.3 Winter Competition:
40.3.1 the home team shall mark the first (1) game then alternate in the supplying of the marker between the home and away teams competing.
40.3.2 a toss to be done for the first (1) break then alternated with the away team to call.
40.4 Summer Competition:
40.4.1 alternation of markers are set out in the official scorecard.
40.4.2 alternation of breaks are set out in the official scorecard.
41.1 All games if possible are to be played on the day and date as stipulated in the published draw, only exception if both team captains agree to play on a different day and date. The match then must be played before as stipulated in the published draw and not after.
41.2 In the event of the late arrival of competing players, the defaulting player or players (unless agreed by both captains) shall forfeit his/her match to his/her opponent, result then being one (1) game to nil (0) against the defaulting player(s).
41.3 Any games unfinished by a reasonable time on the day and date as stipulated in the published draw will have to be played on the same table at a time arranged by both captains prior to Friday of the same week; and
41.4 Any teams on the ladder during the home/away season with the same points/frames, the team that was highest the previous week will be shown higher on the ladder for that week.
42. Registration & Match Fees
42.1 Each competing player is to pay to his/her team captain all registration and match fees as set by the Committee.
42.2 Team delegates/captains are responsible to pay all money owed as directed by the Committee to the Association Treasurer or a person nominated by the Committee following games played in accordance with Constitution rule 11.2.
43.1 Home teams are responsible to communicate scores as directed by the Committee to the elected Scorer or a person nominated by the Committee after each official match in the draw. Failure to communicate scores by 12pm Wednesday following each match will result in a $10 fine.
43.2 Official scorecards shall be completed in full, correctly and legibly otherwise the scorecards shall be considered as not handed in (see sub rule 43.4 Scorecards).
43.3 Official scorecards shall be deposited into any official league mailbox/drop box on the night after each scheduled match played or as directed by the Committee and the scorecards shall be considered officially as handed in. All finals scorecards must be handed in on the night.
43.4 Penalty for scorecards not handed in -
43.4.1 Scorecards not handed in is a $10 fine per scorecard. All games and matches played on that date by the offending team and its opponent are to be credited to the ladder.
44.1 Any player wishing to transfer from one (1) team to another during the course of a season must apply to the Committee in writing stating his/her reasons.
44.1.1 no player will be granted a clearance to another team if he/she is under any financial obligation to the team he/she is seeking the clearance from;
44.1.2 application for clearance can only be via the Association’s “Official Clearance Form”. This form must be completed in full and be in the hands of the Association President or Secretary no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the match in which the player first wishes to play with the new team;
44.1.3 no clearances will be considered after the completion of the first half of any season;
44.1.4 a player may appeal to the Association if he/she believes that the clearance was refused without all relevant details having been heard, provided the clearance falls within the bounds of the above mentioned rules; and
44.1.5 penalty for playing non-cleared players - any team playing a player who is registered with another team, and who has not been cleared by that team as per Association Rules (as described above) shall be disqualified from all games whilst playing that player; and they shall lose all matches 0 - 16.
45.1 A player may play as an emergency player over a season of competition.
45.1.1 an emergency player cannot play in a lower division, they may play for more than one (1) team over a season of competition;
45.1.2 they do not have to meet clearance requirements to change teams for the first three (3) games they play for any one (1) team;
45.1.3 all ranking points acquired by a player shall stay with each team that the player has played for. They are ineligible to play finals, ineligible for player of the year and all other accolades and;
45.1.4 a lower division player may play in a higher division as an emergency player and therefore will still be bound by all the above requirements of an emergency player. The lower division player can still play in his/her lower division team as normal (including finals).
46.1 If a player feels the umpire has made a mistake on interpretation, or lack of knowledge of the rules, he/she may lodge a protest.
46.1.1 He/she must inform the umpire and both captains, at the time of the incident, but complete the game. Captains should attempt to reach an agreement on the matter under consideration, and may agree to replay the frame. If unable to come to agreement the captain wishing to protest may do so on behalf of the player; and
46.1.2 All protests lodged must be in writing to the Secretary of the Association, within seventy two (72) hours accompanied by a $10 deposit which will be forfeited to the Association in the event of a protest being deemed frivolous by the Committee whose decision will be final.
At all times competing teams shall assist as far as may be possible or necessary in abiding with the rules as set down by the management or committee of each respective premises. A breach of conduct by a member may be reported to the Committee, by writing to the Secretary within seventy two (72) hours of the alleged conduct.
48.1 Penalties and Fines are subject to Committee discretion.
48.2 An appeal lodged against a penalty/fine must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Association, within seventy two (72) hours accompanied by a $10 deposit which will be forfeited to the Association in the event of an appeal being deemed frivolous by the Committee.
48.3 Committee decision will be final, no reason need be given for all decisions.
All finals shall be played at the premises voted on by a majority of the Committee, not necessarily neutral to all clubs.
The table selected for the finals is to be neutral to the competing teams. Unauthorised practice on such table(s) by players or teams competing in the finals shall result in disqualification from the remainder of the current finals series for offending players or teams.
51.1 Winter Competition: finals to be conducted under the system of -
51.1.1 Final four (4) with less than fifteen (15) teams if divisions are created - Elimination Final - 3rd vs. 4th Qualifying Final - 1st vs. 2nd Preliminary Final - Qualifying loser vs. Elimination winner. Grand Final - Qualifying winner vs. Preliminary winner.
51.1.2 Final six (6) with fifteen (15) or more teams if divisions are created and/or no divisions- Elimination Finals - 3rd vs. 6th & 4th vs. 5th Qualifying Finals - 1st vs. 2nd & 1st Elimination vs. 2nd Elimination. Preliminary Final - Qualifying loser vs. Elimination winner. Grand Final - Qualifying winner vs. Preliminary winner.
51.2 Summer Competition: finals to be conducted under the system of -
51.2.1 Final four (4) with less than fifteen (15) teams if divisions are created - Elimination Finals - 1st vs. 4th
2nd vs. 3rd Grand Final - two (2) Elimination winners play off.
51.2.2 Final six (6) with fifteen (15) or more teams if divisions are created and/or no divisions - Elimination Finals - 3rd vs. 6th
4th vs. 5th Preliminary Finals - 1st vs. lowest Elimination Final winner.
2nd vs. highest Elimination Final winner. Grand Final - two (2) Preliminary Final winners play off.
51.3 Block diagrams displaying the formats are displayed at the end of this document.
51.4 The finals format for each season shall be decided by the Committee after team nominations close for each season.
In the event of a draw occurring the captains will allocate three (3) players from each team that played in the drawn match, a draw shall be done according to the season order of play (see sub rule 37.1 Format) and they shall play a combined best of three (3) each player playing one (1) frame each the winning team will be the first to win two (2) of the three (3) frames.
53.1 Players to be eligible for finals must have played a minimum of five (5) matches in the home/away games for their competing team.
53.1.1 the Committee may reduce this for a season if the season is considered by the Committee as to short to accommodate a minimum of five (5) matches.
53.1.2 this includes eligibility for food and drinks in the Summer Competition.
53.2 All team fees shall be fully paid no later than the Delegate Meeting held after the completion of the home/away season, if no Delegates Meeting is held then immediately prior to the commencement of any finals series, if not -
53.2.1 the offending team(s) shall be ineligible to compete in such finals (this includes eligibility for Summer Competition food and drinks); and
53.2.2 the next eligible team on the final ladder shall replace an ineligible team where practicable.
54.1 There shall be two (2) markers for all final series matches.
54.1.1 the markers for each game/frame shall be one from each team appointed by both players unless both players agree on an independent marker, unless otherwise written, e.g. ‘Summer Competition’; and
54.1.2 there shall be a Head Adjudicator appointed by the Committee for all final series matches. The Head Adjudicator shall not umpire any final series matches.
54.1.3 if the Head Adjudicator becomes aware of any player playing not fulfilling his/her marking duties the Head Adjudicator shall immediately call loss of frame and awarding the frame to the opposition team.
55.1 Dress code for all finals and any other competition shall be as decided by the Committee.
55.1.1 black slacks or skirt, black dress shoes and a collared shirt. Anything else or variations are not permitted;
55.1.2 variations may be approved by the Committee but must be prior to the commencement of such finals or competition;
55.1.3 any player not dressed in the proper attire will not be permitted to play - captains are to ensure their players are dressed in the proper attire before the match; and both the appointed markers are to enforce the dress code rule.
55.1.4 if the Head Adjudicator becomes aware of any player playing not dressed in the proper attire - the Head Adjudicator shall immediately call loss of frame/game; this shall apply to any frames/games played by the offending player prior in the match; and the Head Adjudicators decision is final.
56.1 The Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association Singles Championship is to be played annually with the following rules and conditions to apply -
56.1.2 Singles Championship - entry fee, venues, event nights/days and times, head adjudicator, etc shall be unless otherwise stated in these rules set by the Committee.
56.1.3 if entry numbers exceed for a 32 draw then the Singles Championship will have a qualifying night to be held with a break during the winter competition season on a Tuesday and/or Wednesday night if needed. The Singles Championship shall be a 32 draw and is to be held on the following Sunday after qualifying.
56.1.4 entry fee will be set by the Committee and shall be payable before play. No refund shall be payable unless a valid reason is given in writing to the Secretary. Committee to accept/reject with no reason need be given for a rejection.
56.1.5 entry shall be open to fully financial members of this Association.
56.1.6 division 1 players to be given first preference via ranking placement at the half way mark of the winter competition season.
56.1.7 top four 4 player from the division 2 singles championship automatically qualify to play in the qualifying night draw, or if there is no qualifying night then only the top two 2 automatically qualify to play in the 32 draw on the Sunday.
56.1.8 Then division 2 and then division 3 using the ranking system for preferencing players may be invited to play if there are any vacancies for the qualifying night.
56.2 Qualifying -
56.2.2 minimum 56 player draw to be played out with of best of 5 frames with the 28 winners qualifying for the Singles Championship.
56.2.3 play starts times may vary (eg 7pm and 8pm), all players must be present at their allocated time or else they will forfeit their game and entry fee, no replacement of players allowed.
56.2.4 draw, venue and table allocation to be blind, any team venue can hold a qualifying night.
56.2.5 each table may have more than 1 qualifying game depending on the number of tables available.
56.2.6 all entries to be given a week’s notice of venue where possible.
56.3 Singles Championship -
56.3.2 start time as set by the Committee, any player not present by the start of play will forfeit their games and cannot be replaced.
56.3.3 Singles Championship draw shall be a blind draw to be done on the day except for seeded players (see sub rule 56.3.4. Singles Championship Division 1).
56.3.4 number of frames to be played each round as follows - rnd 32 - best of 5 rnd 16 - best of 5 rnd 8 - best of 5 rnd 4 - best of 7 rnd 2 - best of 9
56.3.5 top four from the previous Singles Championship to be seeded and come into play on the Sunday at the 32 round draw. To be seeded in the 32 draw position as follows with preference given for any byes - first - 1 second - 17 third - 32 fourth - 16
57.1 The Latrobe Valley Eight Ball Association Singles Championship for the other divisions and for the women’s is to be played annually if possible with the following rules and conditions to apply -
57.1.2 Singles Championship - entry fee, venues, event nights/days and times, head adjudicator, etc shall be unless otherwise stated in these rules set by the Committee.
57.1.3 if entry numbers exceed for a 32 draw then the Singles Championship will have a qualifying night to be held with a break during the winter competition season on a Tuesday and/or Wednesday night if needed. The Singles Championship shall be a 32 draw and is to be held on the following Sunday after qualifying.
57.1.4 entry fee will be set by the Committee and shall be payable before play. No refund shall be payable unless a valid reason is given in writing to the Secretary. Committee to accept/reject with no reason need be given for a rejection.
57.1.5 entry shall be open to fully financial members of this Association.
57 1.6 only players playing in that division can play in the Singles Championship for that division. Divisions may be combined depending on numbers as decided by the Committee.
57.1.7 the Single Championship for women shall be open to women playing in all divisions of the Association.
57.1.8 division 2 (then division 3 and so on) players to be given first preference via ranking placement at the half way mark of the winter competition season.
57.2 Qualifying -
57.2.2 minimum 56 player draw to be played out with of best of 3 frames with the 28 winners qualifying for the Singles Championship.
57.2.3 play starts times may vary (eg. 7pm and 8pm), all players must be present at their allocated time or else they will forfeit their game and entry fee, no replacement of players allowed.
57.2.4 draw, venue and table allocation to be blind, any team venue can hold a qualifying night.
57.2.5 each table may have more than 1 qualifying game depending on the number of tables available.
57.2.6 all entries to be given a week’s notice of venue where possible.
57.3 Singles Championship -
57.3.2 start time as set by the Committee, any player not present by the start of play will forfeit their games and cannot be replaced.
57.3.3 Singles Championship draw shall be a blind draw to be done on the day except for seeded players (see sub rule 57.3.4. Singles Championship Other Divisions & Women’s).
57.3.4 number of frames to be played each round as follows - rnd 32 - best of 3 rnd 16 - best of 3 rnd 8 - best of 3 rnd 4 - best of 5 rnd 2 - best of 7
57.3.5 top four from the previous Singles Championship to be seeded and come into play on the Sunday at the 32 round draw. To be seeded in the 32 draw position as follows with preference given for any byes - first - 1 second - 17 third - 32 fourth - 16
58.1 Winter Competition:
Player of the Year shall be awarded in each division and shall be awarded to -
58.1.1 the person with the highest frames won, if there is a draw on highest frames won then;
58.1.2 the drawn person with the highest frame percentage shall be awarded the title, if there is a draw on the highest frame percentage won then;
58.1.3 the drawn person with the most number of four (4) frames won shall be awarded the title, if there is a draw on the most number of four (4) frames won then;
58.1.4 a draw shall be declared with all the drawn players awarded the title.
58.2 Summer Competition:
Player of the Year shall be awarded in each division and shall be awarded to -
58.2.1 the person with the highest frames won, if there is a draw on highest frames won then;
58.2.2 the drawn person with the highest frame percentage shall be awarded the title, if there is a draw on the highest frame percentage won then;
58.2.3 the drawn person with the most four (4) frames won shall be awarded the title, if there is still a draw on the most number of four (4) frames won then;
58.2.4 a draw shall be declared with all the drawn players awarded the title.
59.1 Winter Competition:
Player of the Grand Final shall be awarded in each division and is to be decided jointly by the two captains of the grand final teams and if a third party is needed to help decide then a member of the Committee or a person appointed by the Committee shall help decide.
59.2 Summer Competition:
Player of the Grand Final shall be awarded in each division and is to be decided jointly by the two captains of the grand final teams and if a third party is needed to help decide then a member of the Committee or a person appointed by the Committee shall help decide.
60.1 The Rising Star Award shall be decided by the Committee based on one of the following -
60.1.1 a player who shows good sportsmanship, respect for other players and has a good attitude around the table as a playing member.
60.1.2 a new player in the league who has shown significant skills for a first year player or;
60.1.3 a player who has significantly improved due to training and events participation.